Marin County Fire History
Lost & Found
Bolinas FPD
Inverness VFD
Kentfield FPD
Marin County FD
Marin Municipal Water District
Marinwood FD
Muir Beach VFD
Nicasio VFD
Novato FPD
Ross Valley FPD
San Rafael Fire Department
San Rafael Fire Commission
San Quentin State Prison FD
Skywalker Ranch FB
Southern Marin FPD
Stinson Beach FPD
Tiburon FPD
Tomales Volunteer Fire Company
Alto FD
Angel Island Fire Department, U.S. Army
Bello Beach
Belvedere FD
Corte Madera FD
California Park VFD
Corte Madera Volunteer Fire Department Ltd.
Fairfax FD
Forest Knolls VFD
Hamilton Field & Hamilton Air Force Base
Homestead Valley VFD
Larkspur FD
Marin City VFD
Marinship FD
Mill Valley FD
Northwestern Pacific Railroad Depot Tiburon FD
Olema VFD
Presidio FD
Ross FD
San Anselmo FD
San Geronimo Valley VFD
Sausalito Fire Department
Synanon Fire Department
Tamalpais Valley Fire Protection District
Tamalpais Forest Fire District
Terra Linda FD
Tiburon Naval Net Depot FD
Tomales VFD
Videos & LIVE! Stream
Line of Duty Deaths
1909 S.J. Frooman Died Fighting Jute Mill Fire
1914 Fireman Aristid Papadimetrion Ross VFD
1924 Fire Chief Walter A. Cook, Sausalito FD
1932 Fire Warden Clarence C. Grimm, Tamalpais Forest Fire District
1936 Captain Robert A. "Bert" Meagor, San Anselmo FD
1937 Fireman Louis H. Hewelcke, San Rafael FD
1948 Fire Chief Samuel L. Mazza, Marin County FD
1950 Fireman Aubrey E. "Jack" Miller, San Rafael FD
1950 Fireman William "Sonny" Bottini Jr., San Rafael FD
1958 Battalion Chief David A. Coutts, San Rafael FD
1960 Cheda, Virgilio San Rafael FD Fire Marshal
1961 Fireman Paul Hogancamp Marin County FD
1961 Fireman Frank Kinsler, Alto Fire District
1962 Fireman Thomas James Sutton Jr., Marinwood FD
1967 Lake Keeper Raymond Paul Halderman, MMWD
1969 Fire Chief George J. Cavallero, Novato FPD
1970 Assistant Fire Chief Samuel J. Blumenberg, Hamilton Air Force Base FD
1978 Fireman James Niven, Larkspur FD
1980 - William Marsh, San Rafael FD
2003 Firefighter Steven Rucker, Novato FPD
2006 Paramedic and Captain Robert Paoli, Marinwood FD
2008 Deputy Chief Jeff Powers, Southern Marin FPD
Major Fires, Incidents
Structure Fires
1875 Saucelito House Fire, in Sausalito
1876 Structure Fire San Quentin Prison
1884 Steamer Sausalito Ship Fire San Quentin
1885 Tocaloma Hotel Tocaloma
1890 Tiburon Burns Down
1893 Sausalito Stables Fire
1893 Sausalito Downtown Fire
1893 San Rafael Buildings Burn
1894 Larkspur Inn Burned Down
1898 Tomales Downtown Burns
1907 Original Muir Woods Inn
1907 San Anselmo Structures
1908 Lagunitas Country Club Fire in Ross
1909 Jute Mill Fire, San Quentin Prison
1910 Corte Madera Homes Burned
1910 Rossi's Villa Fire San Anselmo
1911 Pastori's in Fairfax
1913 Robert Dollar School Fire San Anselmo
1913 Muir Woods Inn
1913 Corte Madera Structure Fires
1914 Town of Ross Structure Fires
1915 Warehouse Fire San Rafael
1915 B Street Fire, San Rafael
1916 Samuel P. Taylor Paper Mill Fire
1916 Tocaloma Hotel Fire
1917 Belvedere Union Fish Plant
1918 E.K. Woods Lumber Company San Anselmo
1919 St Raphael's Church
1920 The Great Tomales Fire
1920 Madden Shipyards Fire Sausalito
1920 St. Francis Club, Kentfield
1921 Tiburon, NWPRR Machine Shops
1921 Tiburon Main Street Fire
1923 Tavern of Tamalpais Burns Down
1923 Mason Distillery Fire Sausalito
1924 Shriner's Lodge San Rafael
1926 Alta Mira Villa Fire, Sausalito
1928 Rafael Hotel Fire
1929 Tam O'Shanter Inn Corte Madera
1929 Larkspur Nursery Explosion & Fire
1929 Hotel Rossi Fairfax
1929 Red Mill Inn, San Quentin
1934 St. Cecilia's Church, San Geronimo
1937 Belvedere, Union Fish Company Cod Plant
1937 Orpheus Theater San Rafael
1940 Hotel Nicasio Burns Down
1940 Christiansen Lumber Mill San Rafael
1945 Pini Building Novato
1946 Crockett Warehouse Fire
1949 Bath House Fire San Rafael
1950 Marin Storage & Trucking Company Fire San Rafael
1950 Mar Vista Motors San Rafael
1951 Food Bank Fire, Larkspur
1951 Jute Mill Fire, San Quentin Prison
1952 San Rafael Building & Plumbing Fire
1952 Little Heating & Sheet Metal San Anselmo
1952 Jocko's Hotel Nicasio
1955 Bleu Baie Tavern, Marshall
1955 Lodge Fire San Rafael
1956 Olema Fatality Fire - Three Children
1957 Hotaling Mansion Fire San Anselmo
1957 Fourth St. Fire San Rafael
1958 Simmons Building Downtown Novato
1958 Bellach Furniture Fire San Rafael
1960 Shipyards Fire Sausalito
1960 O'Neill and Logan Fire
1961 Puerto Suello Tunnel
1963 College of Marin Gymnasium Kentfield
1963 American Distilling Company Fire in Sausalito
1964 Duplex Fires Tiburon FPD
1969 Novato Olompali Mansion Burns
1969 San Rafael Tire & Brake
1971 Court House Fires, San Rafael
1975 New Joes Fire, Corte Madera
1976 Peter Donahue Building Fire Tiburon
1977 Lumber Yard Fire Novato
1990 Dominican Convent Fire SR
2008 Upland Fire, Corte Madera
1852 Marin County Wildfires
1859 Mt. Tamalpais Fire, Mill Valley
1865 Forest Fire Bolinas Bay Woods
1878 Nicasio Wildfire
1881 Forest Fire Blithedale Canyon Mill Valley
1889 Forest Fire Corte Madera
1890 Forest Fire San Rafael to Bolinas
1891 Forest Fire Bill Williams Gulch
1892 Wildfire Bolinas Road
1893 Forest Fire Mill Valley and Mt. Tam
1894 Forest Fire Mill Valley
1899 Corte Madera, Mill Valley, Larkspur Wildfire
1904 Forest Fire Bolinas Ridge
1909 Larkspur Forest Fire
1913 Mt. Tamalpais, Larkspur, and Muir Woods Fire
1917 Inverness Ridge Wildfire
1919 Muir Woods and Mt. Tam
1919 Sausalito Hills
1923 Wildfires including Ignacio to Bolinas Ridge, Fairfax
1926 Tamalpais Fires
1928 Wildfire Fort Barry
1929 The Great Mill Valley Fire
1932 Shafter Ranch Fire West Marin
1932 Thanksgiving Day Wildfire, Near Alpine Club
1936 Bolinas Ridge Wildfire
1943 Bald Hill Fire Ross Valley
1945 The Mill Fire, Carson Canyon
1947 Corte Madera Wildfire
1949 Ignacio Big Rock Ridge Wildfire
1953 St. Vincents Marinwood
1953 Sausalito, Wildfire
1954 Guide Dogs for the Blind Terra Linda MCFD
1958 Black Canyon San Rafael Wildfire
1959 Kent Canyon, Brazil Ranch Wildfire
1964 Hanly Fire, Sonoma County Mutual Aid
1965 Muir Woods Wildfire
1965 Chileno Valley Wildfire
1966 Marincello Wildfire, Southern Marin Headlands
1967 Bald Hill Fire, Ross
1969 - Red Hill Fire, San Anselmo
1972 Angel Island State Park
1972 Kent Woodlands, October 9
1976 Sorich Park Wildfire San Rafael
1991 The Oakland Fire Mutual Aid
1995 Mount Vision Fire Inverness
2008 Angel Island Wildfire
Storms and Weather
Accidents and Rescues
Hazardous Materials Incidents
Special Recognition & Award Recipients
Bain, Mert, Fireman Larkspur Fire Department
Bent, Edward W. State Fire Training
Coleman, Ronny J. State Fire Marshal, retired
Dufficy, Dr. Rafael Jr. San Rafael FD
Marcucci, Robert, Chief San Rafael FD, retired
McLaren, Richard Evans, Chief San Anselmo FD
Massucco, Ken, Chief Marin County FD
Nelson, Ron, Lieutenant, Larkspur FD
Reilley, Charles R. (Jr.) Chief Marin County FD
Selby, Norman, "Kid McCoy" Fire Chief San Quentin
Wedemeyer, Arthur E. (Jr.), US Marine Corps, Larkspur FD
Wilson, Irwin "Willie" , Engineer Larkspur FD
Corte Madera FD Biographies
Childress, John Corte Madera FD Captain/Medic
Ferguson, Joseph Stanley - CMVFD Ltd., Artist, Cartoonist
Forster, Jack William, Corte Madera Volunteer FD Ltd.
Kelly, Harold - Assistant Chief, Corte Madera VFD Ltd.
Larson, Lee Assistant Fire Chief Corte Madera FD
Moreno, Anthony "Tony" Corte Madera VFD
Nelson, Franklin Lars - Chief Corte Madera VFD Ltd.
Nelson, William Corte Madera VFD
Ralston, Bud Corte Madera FD
Salarpi, Larry Corte Madera FD
Walker, James Corte Madera VFD
Kentfield FPD Biographies
Kamp, Kenny - Chief Kentfield FPD
Mariani, Guido Kentfield FPD Asst. Chief
Mariani, Robert - Chief Kentfield FPD
Ruhland, Fred Kentfield FPD
Larkspur Fire Department Biographies
Archer, Douglas - Deputy Chief Larkspur FD, retired, Historian
Bartram, George Larkspur FD Chief
Doherty, Dolph - Chief, Larkspur FD
Lellis, William - Chief, Larkspur FD retired, Photographer & Historian
Nelson, Rudolph "Rudy", Filmmaker
Raggio, John Fire Chief, Larkspur FD
Shurtz, Craig Larkspur FD Chief
Wedemeyer, Arthur Edward Sr., Filmmaker, Pilot, Mayor
Marin County FD Biographies
Bloom, Louis - Chief, Marin County FD
De la Montanya, Lloyd - Chief, Marin County FD
Jennings, Greg , Senior Captain Marin County FD retired, Historian
Martin, Pete - Captain, Marin County FD, retired, Historian
Meuser, Brian Marin County FD
Nunes, Clarence Marin County FD
Rowan, Stan - Chief, Marin County FD, retired
Selfridge, James - Deputy Chief, Marin County FD, retired
Mill Valley FD Biographies
Davidson, Jeff Mill Valley Chief
Novato Fire District Biographies
Bacon, Harold A. "Tony", Captain, Novato FPD retired
Berthinier, James - Chief, Novato FPD, retired
Meston, Jeff, Chief Novato FPD, retired
Rentz, John - Chief, Novato FPD, retired
San Anselmo FD Biographies
Beedle, Robert San Anselmo FD Chief
Cartwright, Charles San Anselmo FD
Marcucci, Marty Battalion Chief Ross Valley FPD, retired
Marcucci, Nello Fire Chief San Anselmo FD
Meagor, Linda Louise San Anselmo FD
Sousa, Frank Chief, San Anselmo FD
San Rafael Fire Biographies
Castro, Walter San Rafael FD
Diego, John San Rafael FD
Daniels, Charles I., Jr. (Chuck)
Johansen, Clarence Fritz San Rafael FD Chief
Johansen, Martin San Rafael FD Chief
Martin, Bruce - San Rafael FD Chief
Mizroch, Dr. Stephen, M.D. - SR Fire Commissioner, Historian & Collector
Scheuer, Fred J. San Rafael FD Chief
Schneider, D.N. San Rafael FD Chief
Williams, John - Captain, San Rafael FD, retired, Historian
Sausalito FD Biographies
Bogel, Steve - Chief, Sausalito FD
Bunker, Fred - Division Chief Sausalito FD, retired.
Pedersen, Swede Sausalito FD
Perry, Matts Sausalito FD
Poole, Gene Sausalito and San Rafael FD's
Quayle, Robert - Chief, Sausalito FD
Tiburon FPD Biographies
Rappole Bliss, Rosemary - Chief, Tiburon FPD
Buscher, Franklin - Chief, Tiburon FPD
Barrows, Richard "Dick", Chief State OES
Drady, Harold "Spike" Nicasio VFD Chief
Gardner, Edwiin B. Tamalpais Forest Fire District
Goodson, Carl - Battalion Chief, Santa Rosa FD, retired.
Hensley, William J. Tamalpais Forest Fire District
Heynen, Carl Otto, Jr. Alto Richardson Bay FD
Kobseff, Nicolas 'Nick' Chief Nicasio VFD
Livingston, Dewey - West Marin Historian
McMurray, Bill Marin County Communications, MCSO
Mersereau, Laurence "Bunk" - Chief, Belvedere FD
Rogers, Art - Photographer
Souza, Robert - Chief, Tamalpais FPD
White, Dan - Ambulance Company Owner, Businessman & Videographer
Current Fire Service Associations
California Fire Chiefs Association
California State Firefighters Association
Retired Fire Service Groups
Fire Safe Marin
Fire Training Officers Section MCFCA
Fire Prevention Officers Section MCFCA
Fire Investigation Team
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Marin County Fire Chiefs Association
2017 Installation Dinner
2018 Installation Dinner Ignacio
Perpetual Leadership Award Recipients
Marin Office of Emergency Services
Northern California Fire Prevention Officers, CFCA
Northern California Fire Training Officers, CFCA
Operation Chiefs Section MCFCA
Sonoma County Fire Chiefs Association
Former Fire Service Associations
Larkspur FD Ladies Auxiliary
Lucas Valley Volunteer Fire Association
Marin County Association of Fire Departments
Marin County Association of FD's Ladies Auxiliary
Marin Sonoma Fire Training Officers Association
Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs
Redwood Empire Tri-County Fireman's Association
Redwood Fire and Protective Association
Stockmens Protective Association
Tamalpais Forestry Association
Competitions, Sports, and Events
Baseball & Softball Teams
Chili Cookoffs
Football Team
Hose Cart Racing
Larkspur Fire Muster 1978-1984
Oregon & Nevada Musters
California Fire Musters
Water Fights
4th of July Fireworks Displays
National Fire Heritage Center
Emergency Medical Services
Annual EMS Survivors Dinner
The Hazardous Materials Team
College Fire Science and Technology Programs
Santa Rosa Junior College
College of Marin
Residential "Sleeper" Programs at FD's
Corte Madera FD Sleeper Program
Kentfield FPD Sleeper Program
Ross Fire Department Sleeper Program
Tiburon Fire Protection District Sleeper Program
History of California State Fire Training
Marin County Fire Training
Fire Water Systems
Communications Systems, Radios, MERA
Urban Search & Rescue Team (USAR)
Tamalpais Fire Crew
Sanborn Fire Maps
Frequently Asked Questions
National Fire History, Related
The 10 Standard Firefighting Orders, Origin
Fire Apparatus & Equipment
C.A.M. Manufacturing & Louis P. Soldavini
The Transition to Motorized Apparatus
Historical List of Apparatus For Marin County
1850 Austrian Hand Pumper, Larkspur FD
1916 Ford Model T Chemical Engine Larkspur
1922 Stutz Fire Pumper San Rafael
1923 American La France Pumper, Mill Valley FD
1923 Ford Model T, Novato FD
1927 American La France Pumper, Kentfield
1929 Seagrave Pumper, Fairfax FD
June 7, 1951 Fire at the Food Bank, Larkspur FD with Mutual Aid from Kentfield FD. Full story coming.
Lost & Found
Bolinas FPD
Inverness VFD
Kentfield FPD
Marin County FD
Marin Municipal Water District
Marinwood FD
Muir Beach VFD
Nicasio VFD
Novato FPD
Ross Valley FPD
San Rafael Fire Department
San Rafael Fire Commission
San Quentin State Prison FD
Skywalker Ranch FB
Southern Marin FPD
Stinson Beach FPD
Tiburon FPD
Tomales Volunteer Fire Company
Alto FD
Angel Island Fire Department, U.S. Army
Bello Beach
Belvedere FD
Corte Madera FD
California Park VFD
Corte Madera Volunteer Fire Department Ltd.
Fairfax FD
Forest Knolls VFD
Hamilton Field & Hamilton Air Force Base
Homestead Valley VFD
Larkspur FD
Marin City VFD
Marinship FD
Mill Valley FD
Northwestern Pacific Railroad Depot Tiburon FD
Olema VFD
Presidio FD
Ross FD
San Anselmo FD
San Geronimo Valley VFD
Sausalito Fire Department
Synanon Fire Department
Tamalpais Valley Fire Protection District
Tamalpais Forest Fire District
Terra Linda FD
Tiburon Naval Net Depot FD
Tomales VFD
Videos & LIVE! Stream
Line of Duty Deaths
1909 S.J. Frooman Died Fighting Jute Mill Fire
1914 Fireman Aristid Papadimetrion Ross VFD
1924 Fire Chief Walter A. Cook, Sausalito FD
1932 Fire Warden Clarence C. Grimm, Tamalpais Forest Fire District
1936 Captain Robert A. "Bert" Meagor, San Anselmo FD
1937 Fireman Louis H. Hewelcke, San Rafael FD
1948 Fire Chief Samuel L. Mazza, Marin County FD
1950 Fireman Aubrey E. "Jack" Miller, San Rafael FD
1950 Fireman William "Sonny" Bottini Jr., San Rafael FD
1958 Battalion Chief David A. Coutts, San Rafael FD
1960 Cheda, Virgilio San Rafael FD Fire Marshal
1961 Fireman Paul Hogancamp Marin County FD
1961 Fireman Frank Kinsler, Alto Fire District
1962 Fireman Thomas James Sutton Jr., Marinwood FD
1967 Lake Keeper Raymond Paul Halderman, MMWD
1969 Fire Chief George J. Cavallero, Novato FPD
1970 Assistant Fire Chief Samuel J. Blumenberg, Hamilton Air Force Base FD
1978 Fireman James Niven, Larkspur FD
1980 - William Marsh, San Rafael FD
2003 Firefighter Steven Rucker, Novato FPD
2006 Paramedic and Captain Robert Paoli, Marinwood FD
2008 Deputy Chief Jeff Powers, Southern Marin FPD
Major Fires, Incidents
Structure Fires
1875 Saucelito House Fire, in Sausalito
1876 Structure Fire San Quentin Prison
1884 Steamer Sausalito Ship Fire San Quentin
1885 Tocaloma Hotel Tocaloma
1890 Tiburon Burns Down
1893 Sausalito Stables Fire
1893 Sausalito Downtown Fire
1893 San Rafael Buildings Burn
1894 Larkspur Inn Burned Down
1898 Tomales Downtown Burns
1907 Original Muir Woods Inn
1907 San Anselmo Structures
1908 Lagunitas Country Club Fire in Ross
1909 Jute Mill Fire, San Quentin Prison
1910 Corte Madera Homes Burned
1910 Rossi's Villa Fire San Anselmo
1911 Pastori's in Fairfax
1913 Robert Dollar School Fire San Anselmo
1913 Muir Woods Inn
1913 Corte Madera Structure Fires
1914 Town of Ross Structure Fires
1915 Warehouse Fire San Rafael
1915 B Street Fire, San Rafael
1916 Samuel P. Taylor Paper Mill Fire
1916 Tocaloma Hotel Fire
1917 Belvedere Union Fish Plant
1918 E.K. Woods Lumber Company San Anselmo
1919 St Raphael's Church
1920 The Great Tomales Fire
1920 Madden Shipyards Fire Sausalito
1920 St. Francis Club, Kentfield
1921 Tiburon, NWPRR Machine Shops
1921 Tiburon Main Street Fire
1923 Tavern of Tamalpais Burns Down
1923 Mason Distillery Fire Sausalito
1924 Shriner's Lodge San Rafael
1926 Alta Mira Villa Fire, Sausalito
1928 Rafael Hotel Fire
1929 Tam O'Shanter Inn Corte Madera
1929 Larkspur Nursery Explosion & Fire
1929 Hotel Rossi Fairfax
1929 Red Mill Inn, San Quentin
1934 St. Cecilia's Church, San Geronimo
1937 Belvedere, Union Fish Company Cod Plant
1937 Orpheus Theater San Rafael
1940 Hotel Nicasio Burns Down
1940 Christiansen Lumber Mill San Rafael
1945 Pini Building Novato
1946 Crockett Warehouse Fire
1949 Bath House Fire San Rafael
1950 Marin Storage & Trucking Company Fire San Rafael
1950 Mar Vista Motors San Rafael
1951 Food Bank Fire, Larkspur
1951 Jute Mill Fire, San Quentin Prison
1952 San Rafael Building & Plumbing Fire
1952 Little Heating & Sheet Metal San Anselmo
1952 Jocko's Hotel Nicasio
1955 Bleu Baie Tavern, Marshall
1955 Lodge Fire San Rafael
1956 Olema Fatality Fire - Three Children
1957 Hotaling Mansion Fire San Anselmo
1957 Fourth St. Fire San Rafael
1958 Simmons Building Downtown Novato
1958 Bellach Furniture Fire San Rafael
1960 Shipyards Fire Sausalito
1960 O'Neill and Logan Fire
1961 Puerto Suello Tunnel
1963 College of Marin Gymnasium Kentfield
1963 American Distilling Company Fire in Sausalito
1964 Duplex Fires Tiburon FPD
1969 Novato Olompali Mansion Burns
1969 San Rafael Tire & Brake
1971 Court House Fires, San Rafael
1975 New Joes Fire, Corte Madera
1976 Peter Donahue Building Fire Tiburon
1977 Lumber Yard Fire Novato
1990 Dominican Convent Fire SR
2008 Upland Fire, Corte Madera
1852 Marin County Wildfires
1859 Mt. Tamalpais Fire, Mill Valley
1865 Forest Fire Bolinas Bay Woods
1878 Nicasio Wildfire
1881 Forest Fire Blithedale Canyon Mill Valley
1889 Forest Fire Corte Madera
1890 Forest Fire San Rafael to Bolinas
1891 Forest Fire Bill Williams Gulch
1892 Wildfire Bolinas Road
1893 Forest Fire Mill Valley and Mt. Tam
1894 Forest Fire Mill Valley
1899 Corte Madera, Mill Valley, Larkspur Wildfire
1904 Forest Fire Bolinas Ridge
1909 Larkspur Forest Fire
1913 Mt. Tamalpais, Larkspur, and Muir Woods Fire
1917 Inverness Ridge Wildfire
1919 Muir Woods and Mt. Tam
1919 Sausalito Hills
1923 Wildfires including Ignacio to Bolinas Ridge, Fairfax
1926 Tamalpais Fires
1928 Wildfire Fort Barry
1929 The Great Mill Valley Fire
1932 Shafter Ranch Fire West Marin
1932 Thanksgiving Day Wildfire, Near Alpine Club
1936 Bolinas Ridge Wildfire
1943 Bald Hill Fire Ross Valley
1945 The Mill Fire, Carson Canyon
1947 Corte Madera Wildfire
1949 Ignacio Big Rock Ridge Wildfire
1953 St. Vincents Marinwood
1953 Sausalito, Wildfire
1954 Guide Dogs for the Blind Terra Linda MCFD
1958 Black Canyon San Rafael Wildfire
1959 Kent Canyon, Brazil Ranch Wildfire
1964 Hanly Fire, Sonoma County Mutual Aid
1965 Muir Woods Wildfire
1965 Chileno Valley Wildfire
1966 Marincello Wildfire, Southern Marin Headlands
1967 Bald Hill Fire, Ross
1969 - Red Hill Fire, San Anselmo
1972 Angel Island State Park
1972 Kent Woodlands, October 9
1976 Sorich Park Wildfire San Rafael
1991 The Oakland Fire Mutual Aid
1995 Mount Vision Fire Inverness
2008 Angel Island Wildfire
Storms and Weather
Accidents and Rescues
Hazardous Materials Incidents
Special Recognition & Award Recipients
Bain, Mert, Fireman Larkspur Fire Department
Bent, Edward W. State Fire Training
Coleman, Ronny J. State Fire Marshal, retired
Dufficy, Dr. Rafael Jr. San Rafael FD
Marcucci, Robert, Chief San Rafael FD, retired
McLaren, Richard Evans, Chief San Anselmo FD
Massucco, Ken, Chief Marin County FD
Nelson, Ron, Lieutenant, Larkspur FD
Reilley, Charles R. (Jr.) Chief Marin County FD
Selby, Norman, "Kid McCoy" Fire Chief San Quentin
Wedemeyer, Arthur E. (Jr.), US Marine Corps, Larkspur FD
Wilson, Irwin "Willie" , Engineer Larkspur FD
Corte Madera FD Biographies
Childress, John Corte Madera FD Captain/Medic
Ferguson, Joseph Stanley - CMVFD Ltd., Artist, Cartoonist
Forster, Jack William, Corte Madera Volunteer FD Ltd.
Kelly, Harold - Assistant Chief, Corte Madera VFD Ltd.
Larson, Lee Assistant Fire Chief Corte Madera FD
Moreno, Anthony "Tony" Corte Madera VFD
Nelson, Franklin Lars - Chief Corte Madera VFD Ltd.
Nelson, William Corte Madera VFD
Ralston, Bud Corte Madera FD
Salarpi, Larry Corte Madera FD
Walker, James Corte Madera VFD
Kentfield FPD Biographies
Kamp, Kenny - Chief Kentfield FPD
Mariani, Guido Kentfield FPD Asst. Chief
Mariani, Robert - Chief Kentfield FPD
Ruhland, Fred Kentfield FPD
Larkspur Fire Department Biographies
Archer, Douglas - Deputy Chief Larkspur FD, retired, Historian
Bartram, George Larkspur FD Chief
Doherty, Dolph - Chief, Larkspur FD
Lellis, William - Chief, Larkspur FD retired, Photographer & Historian
Nelson, Rudolph "Rudy", Filmmaker
Raggio, John Fire Chief, Larkspur FD
Shurtz, Craig Larkspur FD Chief
Wedemeyer, Arthur Edward Sr., Filmmaker, Pilot, Mayor
Marin County FD Biographies
Bloom, Louis - Chief, Marin County FD
De la Montanya, Lloyd - Chief, Marin County FD
Jennings, Greg , Senior Captain Marin County FD retired, Historian
Martin, Pete - Captain, Marin County FD, retired, Historian
Meuser, Brian Marin County FD
Nunes, Clarence Marin County FD
Rowan, Stan - Chief, Marin County FD, retired
Selfridge, James - Deputy Chief, Marin County FD, retired
Mill Valley FD Biographies
Davidson, Jeff Mill Valley Chief
Novato Fire District Biographies
Bacon, Harold A. "Tony", Captain, Novato FPD retired
Berthinier, James - Chief, Novato FPD, retired
Meston, Jeff, Chief Novato FPD, retired
Rentz, John - Chief, Novato FPD, retired
San Anselmo FD Biographies
Beedle, Robert San Anselmo FD Chief
Cartwright, Charles San Anselmo FD
Marcucci, Marty Battalion Chief Ross Valley FPD, retired
Marcucci, Nello Fire Chief San Anselmo FD
Meagor, Linda Louise San Anselmo FD
Sousa, Frank Chief, San Anselmo FD
San Rafael Fire Biographies
Castro, Walter San Rafael FD
Diego, John San Rafael FD
Daniels, Charles I., Jr. (Chuck)
Johansen, Clarence Fritz San Rafael FD Chief
Johansen, Martin San Rafael FD Chief
Martin, Bruce - San Rafael FD Chief
Mizroch, Dr. Stephen, M.D. - SR Fire Commissioner, Historian & Collector
Scheuer, Fred J. San Rafael FD Chief
Schneider, D.N. San Rafael FD Chief
Williams, John - Captain, San Rafael FD, retired, Historian
Sausalito FD Biographies
Bogel, Steve - Chief, Sausalito FD
Bunker, Fred - Division Chief Sausalito FD, retired.
Pedersen, Swede Sausalito FD
Perry, Matts Sausalito FD
Poole, Gene Sausalito and San Rafael FD's
Quayle, Robert - Chief, Sausalito FD
Tiburon FPD Biographies
Rappole Bliss, Rosemary - Chief, Tiburon FPD
Buscher, Franklin - Chief, Tiburon FPD
Barrows, Richard "Dick", Chief State OES
Drady, Harold "Spike" Nicasio VFD Chief
Gardner, Edwiin B. Tamalpais Forest Fire District
Goodson, Carl - Battalion Chief, Santa Rosa FD, retired.
Hensley, William J. Tamalpais Forest Fire District
Heynen, Carl Otto, Jr. Alto Richardson Bay FD
Kobseff, Nicolas 'Nick' Chief Nicasio VFD
Livingston, Dewey - West Marin Historian
McMurray, Bill Marin County Communications, MCSO
Mersereau, Laurence "Bunk" - Chief, Belvedere FD
Rogers, Art - Photographer
Souza, Robert - Chief, Tamalpais FPD
White, Dan - Ambulance Company Owner, Businessman & Videographer
Current Fire Service Associations
California Fire Chiefs Association
California State Firefighters Association
Retired Fire Service Groups
Fire Safe Marin
Fire Training Officers Section MCFCA
Fire Prevention Officers Section MCFCA
Fire Investigation Team
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Marin County Fire Chiefs Association
2017 Installation Dinner
2018 Installation Dinner Ignacio
Perpetual Leadership Award Recipients
Marin Office of Emergency Services
Northern California Fire Prevention Officers, CFCA
Northern California Fire Training Officers, CFCA
Operation Chiefs Section MCFCA
Sonoma County Fire Chiefs Association
Former Fire Service Associations
Larkspur FD Ladies Auxiliary
Lucas Valley Volunteer Fire Association
Marin County Association of Fire Departments
Marin County Association of FD's Ladies Auxiliary
Marin Sonoma Fire Training Officers Association
Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs
Redwood Empire Tri-County Fireman's Association
Redwood Fire and Protective Association
Stockmens Protective Association
Tamalpais Forestry Association
Competitions, Sports, and Events
Baseball & Softball Teams
Chili Cookoffs
Football Team
Hose Cart Racing
Larkspur Fire Muster 1978-1984
Oregon & Nevada Musters
California Fire Musters
Water Fights
4th of July Fireworks Displays
National Fire Heritage Center
Emergency Medical Services
Annual EMS Survivors Dinner
The Hazardous Materials Team
College Fire Science and Technology Programs
Santa Rosa Junior College
College of Marin
Residential "Sleeper" Programs at FD's
Corte Madera FD Sleeper Program
Kentfield FPD Sleeper Program
Ross Fire Department Sleeper Program
Tiburon Fire Protection District Sleeper Program
History of California State Fire Training
Marin County Fire Training
Fire Water Systems
Communications Systems, Radios, MERA
Urban Search & Rescue Team (USAR)
Tamalpais Fire Crew
Sanborn Fire Maps
Frequently Asked Questions
National Fire History, Related
The 10 Standard Firefighting Orders, Origin
Fire Apparatus & Equipment
C.A.M. Manufacturing & Louis P. Soldavini
The Transition to Motorized Apparatus
Historical List of Apparatus For Marin County
1850 Austrian Hand Pumper, Larkspur FD
1916 Ford Model T Chemical Engine Larkspur
1922 Stutz Fire Pumper San Rafael
1923 American La France Pumper, Mill Valley FD
1923 Ford Model T, Novato FD
1927 American La France Pumper, Kentfield
1929 Seagrave Pumper, Fairfax FD